Today, we went to the Sacred Way and Great Wall. Leila was so excited to climb the Great Wall, but it turned out to be a little too steep for her. She held onto our guide, or Nolan or I, going both up and down. Kara, on the other hand, was skipping or running all the way. We have yet to discover anything she is fearful of. We got to climb just enough for both girls to enjoy the beauty. It is so amazing to me that at one time, the Great Wall was 4,000 miles long (think Miami, Florida to Seattle, Washington). Only about 1,000 broken miles still stand today, but we didn't even make it 1/4 mile and we were exhausted. It is a pretty awesome structure, that's for sure. As a bonus, we got to visit a different part of the Wall than what we visited in 2006.
Tonight, we went to the Flying Acrobats show. I was looking forward to that because I knew the girls would love it. Unfortunately, photography wasn't allowed. :(
All is peachy here as long as the girls are getting along. While this is the case much of the time, they do act like sisters - in love one moment and at each other's throats the next. This is a transition period for all of us, and we have been told by one of our guides and our adoption agency coordinator that we should not to do any sort of discipline here with Kara, which is putting a lot of unfair pressure on Leila. ("Give her whatever she wants; Do not tell her no; Wait until you've been home for a while before you set any rules, etc.) We're working through it, but we can't wait to be working through this on our own turf. Tomorrow is our last sight-seeing day in China and we leave for home Sunday afternoon. We are so ready to go home. We miss Mia and our home. Until then, we will enjoy our sight-seeing tomorrow and pray for a good July 4th - Leila's 8th birthday!
6 years ago
I'm loving all the updates. You know, we didn't have to deal with discipline early on with the Tongginator, since she was only 12 months old at adoption (and developmentally about five months). This post opened my eyes a bit. Thank you.
Happy Birthday Leila! Have a wonderful day. Missy and Family
Great pictures you guys, I am so jealous, it was so overcast and smoggy while I was there. Great shot of you and the girls. Just plain awesome......
What don't discipline?! OK, but when I'm bragging about how well Arden adjusted I must warn I did discipline quickly! I even shook my finger in her face while still in china! : - ) She has been with us over 2 years and she is wonderful and always has been.
This is so cool that Kara was able to see the Great Wall before heading home to the US. Happy Birthday Miss Leila - what a memorable place to spend your 8th birthday. We've loved following your journey....
So glad to be back from my travels and get up to date on your travels!
Glad that things are going good and that you will all be together within a few days. I love the matching outfits and the questions of "are they twins?" put a smile on my face. I have also been saying some extra prayers for sweet Leila - what an amazing kid she must be!!!
Blessings and Hugs!!!
I have loved keeping up with your journey to your precious daughter. You are a girl after my own heart with dressing them alike. I love that!
Know that you are all in my prayers. Enjoy the rest of the trip. Your family is just precious!
P.S. I have a new blog if you want to follow and make a note of it.
Happy Birthday Leila!!!
Godspeed Home.
Can't wait to see you. Loved the pictures of the great wall.
Hmmmm... interesting advice from your guide/agency... we disciplined Owen right away because I felt like it would just be confusing for him to get away with everything in China and then all of a sudden have rules at home!! I say follow your parental instincts. But then I have always been a bit of a rebel. :)
So enjoyed all your photos and posts... we did the Flying Acrobats show too, it was amazing!
I was surprised to hear no discipline... at all. Seems strange to me, but I guess I'm not a psychologist! I always feel like boundaries = love? Help me out~! I would find it so important to discipline early as she'll learn to manipulate otherwise?? Am I wrong here? Seems really strange to me!
Anyway- glad to know things in general are going well- hang in there! She's such a beautiful girl~!
I have to agree with some of the other posters. We had same agency and same guide (Susan). She let our son play on her laptop, use her camera, etc. which we do not allow. We did discipline while in China - letting him know on the electronic translator that certain things were not allowed. We also used the phrase "Bu Hao" - not nice. We still use this one at home. I'm still at a loss as to how or when they discipline in China - it seemed like they let the kids do what they want. That might be okay there, but not here and especially when they start school. Just my opinion - we all parent our own way. Things will work out fine when you are home - and I agree with you - I was prepared for alot worse than what we have experienced. All things considered we are doing really well. Our daughter who is 3 1/2 is having a harder time adjusting than our newly adopted son. Wishing you a safe and smooth trip home!
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