Saturday, January 05, 2008

Mia's Annual Heart Check-Up

I have posted a few teary-eyed pictures of Mia lately, so I just want to set the record straight for anyone who may be getting the wrong ideas. Mia is a very happy child... unless she senses Santa is around, there are needles involved, or if she is about to get poked and prodded at the Dr.'s office. Yesterday morning, I took Mia to her annual cardiology appointment at Children's Hospital. Last year, she had an ultrasound and coming out of sedation was a nightmare, but there is something to be said for sedatives. Yesterday, Mia was not willing to cooperate for her EKG. The results showed that she still has the two septal defects (aka holes) - one in the upper chamber (ASD) and one in the lower chamber (VSD) of her heart. Right now, they are not causing any problems and may very well close on their own. In fact, as we were discussing Mia's activity levels (one of the gauges of how well her heart is doing), she started pushing her cardiologist around the room in his chair. I think she proved during our visit that she has no issues in the energy level department. So... no changes from last year, but holes or no holes, any heart that can keep up with my little Energizer bunny has to be in pretty good shape. Until next year... (I may ask for sedation!)
Photo courtesy of Leila
Mia - A few hours later. So proud of her EKG stickers.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Hi Michelle, I found your blog through Stefanie's blog Ni Hao Ya'll. I love your blog and your girls. We just got home with our second daughter Lily last August, and she was a SN child. Cleft Lip and palate repaired in China. She also had a hemangimoa on her right cheek, that's almost gone now. Our first daughter Ella is from Ukraine, but we believe is a Russian decent due to her very blood hair. Both girls are true blessings to us, just as your girls are to you. Isn't adoption the best thing ever. Our Lily just had open heart surgery 3 weeks ago this past Wed, and we didn't even know she was a heart baby. She had two defects also. If you want to read about it all, it's on our blog. Can I add you to my blogroll? Your girls are so precious not to show them off to my friends and family.