Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Down on the Farm - Part II

This morning, I took the girls to a farm in Delaware that's open to the public. For those of you who thought you knew me... I'm about to let you in on a little secret: I grew up a 4-H girl. I showed a pig at the county fair and my 4-H friends and I played in big grain carts filled with recently harvested corn just like we were swimming in a pool. My dad has been an ag lender for 40+ years and his love of farming has made an impression on me. I want our girls to grow up and have a deep appreciation for the fact that the food they eat doesn't just magically appear on store shelves. As I'm admiring the adorable new piglets (I'm a sucker for a cute piglet), guess what my dear Leila is doing? Playing in the stones in the driveway. Yes, I believe my attempt to instill a healthy amount of respect in my children for farmers and farming has not yet hit home with my eldest daughter. I think Mia thoroughly enjoyed the whole barnyard experience, but the thing that most captured Leila's attention was not the farm equipment, not the five, tiny piggies or two doe-eyed calves, but rather the stones in the driveway. To her, it was just like one big sandbox. Alas, I will not be defeated. As my mother always told me, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again".

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